©Kirton News 2025

December / January 2019

The Editors Letter

I'm sitting here writing this letter to you all on the 11th day of the 11th month. Once again, I was completely blown away by the number of people turning out for our Rememberance Day parade. The behaviour of all the children involved, the smart uniforms and the humble silence and respect makes me feel incredibly proud to be part of our village. Today will also remain in my memory for an altogether different reason.......hearing Father Paul mention the word 'bra' twice in his sermon. It was definitely one of those 'you had to be there' moments!

Update: Sadly, I have had to update my letter to you a week later after someone kindly left their chips strewn across the memorial. After only a day or two, a place which is so sacred and that brought so many of us together for a short while had been reduced to a dumping ground. There are actual bins you know, only a few footsteps away. I have no words for the level of disregard and disrespect shown in that quick action. I don't have a solution for it either, as I fear the problem is a lot bigger than can be solved by a few posters or an extra CCTV camera. Do we have any village stocks? Answers on a postcard...................

If you're one of the smug few who can say you have finished your Christmas shopping already, then I salute you. I have managed to purchase a few and make a few so it could be a lot worse!

What are your hopes for this festive season? I will be wishing for a healthy, calm and positive 2019 and the very swift passing of a significant birthday!

We always spend time together as a family over Christmas but even I can say that it's not the same as when I was a child. The huge family get togethers we had! The emergency chairs and the laughter! There seemed to be a different gathering every day between Christmas and New Year. One of the memories of those days was just how much we all ate!

My Nana's Boxing Day suppers were legendary with pastries and never ending cold turkey sandwiches. Sadly, many of those people are not with us anymore but I just hope that my own children enjoy this time of year as much as I did.

I'm also trying desperately to simplify things this year. To not buy gifts just for the sake of it or to cram my pantry with an obscene amount of food which at any other time of year would cost half as much. Less is more, as they say, whoever they are! But the important things are those that are sat around the table not what is on the table or under the tree.

I will leave you with the revelation that leftover Christmas Pudding is just fantastic mixed with Vanilla Ice Cream and that I hope you all have the Christmas and New Year you all wish for. See you in 2019!


A Celebration of The Yorkshire Regiment’s World War One Victoria Cross Holders

This took place in the Voltigeur Suite, York Racecourse, on Monday 5th. November 2018. Joyce Hall, myself and Chris Astill our driver, were invited to attend by the family of Harold Jackson VC.

Yorkshire Regiment have 24 holders of the Victoria Cross from World War One, each was allocated a table and up to ten guests. On each table was the name of the VC and the medal carved in a wooden plaque. Also at each table was a Regiment NCO host,  on our table it was Sgt. Mark Harrison, who made us very welcome and interesting to talk too.

Introduction was by Colonel of The Regiment, Brigadier A.T. Jackson, who commenced by saying:

“Today’s unique occasion is an opportunity to remember 24 of our Regimental ancesters who performed extraordiary acts of courage in the heat of battle, with no regard for the possible consequences. Their valour was recognised by the award of the Victoria Cross. They are an important part of the story of the Yorkshire Regiment and remain an inspiration to today’s generation of Yorkshire soldiers.  I am very grateful to the families who have joined us to share their stories.”

The Colonel was followed by: General The Lord Houghton, GCB; CBE; ADC; GEN; former Chief of the Defence Staff and founding Colonel of the Yorkshire Regiment, who gave a very moving speech.

Finally The Reverend Canon David Wilkes CB; OBE, said prayers followed by the National Anthem played by the Army Band.

We then returned to our tables and enjoyed an exellent buffet lunch.  Each of us received a book with the stories of the bravery of all 24 holders of the VC.  We were priviliged and honoured to have been invited to this unique event, but humbled by the stories, they were a unique breed of men.

It is worth noting that 14 other members of the Regiment have received the award in othe conflicts.

Stanley Naylor

Discoveries at the Old King’s Head

The archaeological excavation at the Old Kingís Head in Kirton has come to an end. As part of Heritage Lottery funded rescue works to save this historic building, The Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire has run a community excavation with the assistance of the Mick Aston Archaeology Fund (Council for British Archaeology) in the grounds of the site to order to discover more about its fascinating past. Volunteers of all ages helped to dig down, finding beer bottles, Victorian cess pits, Medieval pottery and animal bone.

Lydia Hendry, Community Archaeologist, said 'This has been such a fantastic project to run, from day one we have had finds coming out the ground, telling the story of the Old King’s Head as a place for meeting and relaxing. It has also been good to see how many people have helped us with the project, from young families, to interested locals and even career starters who have started their first archaeological jobs through the project.'

The association of locally produced beer bottles and clay pipes brings to mind the modern outdoor seating areas of pubs today, the Victorian cess pit is a lovely example of Victorian engineering and is a reminder of the practical considerations that are required to run an inn, whilst the animal bone has butchery marks, suggesting small-scale meat production. The whole site tells a story of local village life from the view of the pub.

Next tasks included checking the paperwork and recording, and backfilling of the trenches. This will be followed by the office based post-excavation work, sorting, analysing and reporting on the finds, records and photographs. This will be used to create a site report, which will be made publically available. 

Step forward to lead walks for the 15th Lincolnshire Wolds Walking Festival

Organisers of the popular walking festival are urging organisations and businesses to contribute to their programme of walks and activities for the 2019 festival, which will run from 18th May to 2nd June.

2019 will be the 15th Lincolnshire Wolds Walking Festival, and to celebrate the programme is being extended to include some outdoor activities. Festival Co-ordinator Natalie Lunt explains:

“We want to offer a rich and varied programme of walks and activities which features something for all ages and abilities and celebrates what the Lincolnshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty has to offer.

We are keen to inspire young people and families to take part in the festival, so along with the relaxed strolls and challenging hikes we want to offer activity walks, themed walks, tours and taster sessions.

This is an ideal opportunity for local business and attractions in the area to, quite literally, get their name on the map and showcase what they have to offer!”

The festival, which is co-ordinated by Heritage Lincolnshire in partnership with the Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service, attracts in the region of 3,000 participants each year and is one of the largest and best-attended events of its kind in the UK.

If you have an idea for a walk or activity please contact lwwf@heritagelincolnshire.org or you can submit your idea online at https://www.heritagelincolnshire.org/event/lincolnshire-wolds-walking-festival-2

Hurry! The deadline for submissions is fast approaching.

Kirton Church Fund

A first time winner again this month! Congratulations to both our winners.

We had a new member join in October – welcome aboard. This makes 50 numbers currently taking part.

There is still time to join the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw in time for Christmas. Wouldn’t a Christmas win come in handy? We have plenty of room for new members and there is a very good chance of winning. Anyone over 18 may take part. Just give Fay a ring for a registration form (01205 723529) or call in Kirton Church.

You can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.)

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

The November draw winning numbers will be printed in the next Kirton News magazine in February.

The December draw takes place on Sunday 23rd The winning numbers for December will also be printed in the February magazine.

Talking of Christmas, I would like to wish you all a very happy one and also my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and especially lucky 2019.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.

September 2018 Winners

1st PRIZE - £39.92 - TICKET NUMBER:77
2nd PRIZE - £13.31 - TICKET NUMBER:35


The View from the Vicarage

Dear People of Kirton, Fosdyke and Algarkirk parishes, I am always interested to see just how Christmas has a way of bringing to Church individuals and families who, for various reasons, have not been to Church for months or years.  What a wonderful and grace-filled opportunity to put aside past differences and old habits and begin anew that prayerful relationship with the Lord and His Church community. As your parish priest I extend to all of you an open, grateful heart of welcome.

During Christmas we celebrate the birth of a baby who opens for us the way to a warm, intimate relationship with God.  Perhaps that is part of the reason why God the Son first comes to us as a baby.  Whose heart is not moved when they see a new born baby?   Defenceless, vulnerable and loveable, baby Jesus in the manger causes our hearts to reach out to him and in doing so come close to the heart of His Father.   God wants us to know his love and he wants to know our love so he sends his only begotten Son. 

Together, may we grow in strength and grace to know and celebrate together God’s presence in our lives and His dominion over all things of this world. May our Lord Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem, bless you, your families and loved ones at this blessed time of hope and grace.

Fr Paul

Kirton Kids Club

The run up to Halloween was exciting and fun for the children who made so many lovely arts and crafts and were able take them home.

These included spooky lanterns, bat hats, lots of Halloween pictures and colouring pages, decorated pumpkins and Halloween ‘goodies’ to take home on the last day. The weather has been kind to us and most of this last term was spent outside during the evenings – though the inside evenings were also enjoyable.

Now the clocks have gone back though, most of our after school sessions will probably be inside in the run up to Christmas.

This in itself will be a whole lot of fun.

The children have an ‘Aladdin’s Cave’ of toys, games and equipment to use each session.

We also spend time decorating the club walls (and anywhere we can make sparkle) and hope to be part of the Christmas Tree Festival in the Church again.

The after school club has a few spaces left but breakfast club sessions are running to capacity at the moment.

If you wish to enquire about places please contact us on 07583 762072 and we can look at availability.


Kirton Brass Band at Xmas

Our Preseident, Mr Len Cuttler, Chairman Dave Reddin, Committee and band members would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. 

The Band are quite busy preparing their Festive music this month in the run up to Christmas for two notable concerts interspersed with outdoor carol playing.

The dates are as follows:

Sunday 2nd December: Carol playing at Morrisons Store, Pinchbeck 10 am

Saturday 8th December:
Annual Xmas Concert at Kirton Methodist Chapel 7.30pm. Tickets on the door £5

Sunday 9th December
Carol Playing at Tesco Store, Boston 12 midday

Wednesday 12th December
Annual Christmas Concert at Baytree Garden Centre, Weston. Tickets £5, booked in advance. This is a very popular event and it is advisable to book early to avoid disappointment. 

Sunday 16th December
Wyberton Church, 9 Lessons and Carols 3.30pm 
Carol Playing/school choir Broadgate Builders Showhome 
St John’s Circus, Broadway. Spalding, 5.30pm

Christmas Eve
Carol Playing at Morrison’s Store, Pinchbeck 10am

Also to remind you that members of the public are very welcome to pop in to any of our rehearsals on Thursday evenings, Training Band 6.30 and main band 7.30 at Kirton Methodist Chapel Schoolroom. 

Merry Christmas!


Freemasons say ‘sky’s the limit’
in offering community support

Freemasons are here for everyone in the community, says Lincolnshire’s senior mason David Wheeler about the organisation’s latest donation. 

Members of the organisation have just given £4,000 to the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance, one of many examples of charitable support Lincolnshire Freemasons provide to the community.

“Freemasons represent only one in 250 of the people living in the historic county of Lincolnshire, and we all hope never to need the valuable support of the air Ambulance, but tragedy can strike randomly and at any time. We are all part of our community and we try to help everyone in it if we can,” said Mr Wheeler, who is Lincolnshire Freemasonry’s Provincial Grand Master.

“The £4,000 donation will fund the Air Ambulance to make two life-saving missions, which cost an average of £2,500 each. In itself, that’s a small price to pay to save a life – but the work of the air ambulance is more significant than that. We should never forget that its missions are also about the patient’s family, friends, and colleagues, who would also suffer if a loved one were to pass away because the helicopter and its healthcare professionals weren’t available.”

Donations of millions of pounds

Masonic funding for air ambulance services amount to £2.3m nationally since 2007. This year 20 services will share in £192,000 from the Masonic Charitable Foundation, which administers funds raised through personal contributions from Freemasons – including those in Lincolnshire.

The Lincs and Notts donation was handed over by Provincial Charity Steward Peter Tong, who said: “The Air Ambulance service in our region has been there to help more than 192,000 people since its inception in 1994. It already flies two or three times a day, but the organisation’s ambition is to make itself available to fly to where it’s needed on a 24/7 basis. That could lift the number of missions to five a day, which is a tremendous financial commitment. We wanted to play a small part in helping to make that happen.”

Sally Crawford, the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance head of Fundraising and Communications, said: “We’d like to thank Lincolnshire’s Freemasons and the MCF for supporting the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance; £4,000 is an incredible amount of money and we are most grateful. The Critical Care we provide gives people in their very best chance of survival and recovery. We receive no direct Government funding, and are not part of the NHS, so donations like this really are essential in helping us to save lives!”


Blackmail scam from the Darknet

An email to a Boston woman from the “Darknet” has led to a warning for people to frequently change their online passwords.

The menacing email sent to Rachel Kirby (better known as Boston in Bloom and Boston Big Local stalwart Rachel Lauberts) told that her mailbox had been hacked, her operating system infected with a trojan virus and all information harvested over a six-month period - emails, all her contacts, financial details, pictures, videos and online history.

Rachel said it was old account that she did not often use under her former name of Rachel Deavin, but the blackmailer confirmed the password for it.

In odd language the blackmailer claimed to also have had control of Rachel’s computer camera and threatened to send all her contacts a captured image of her, synchronised with the “intimate content site” she was allegedly watching unless she paid $823 into a bitcoin account.

The blackmailer said “You have a very wild imagination, I tell you!”. And went on to say: “I think that you do not want all your contacts to get these files, right? If you are of the same opinion, then I think that $823 is quite a fair price to destroy the dirt I have created.”

Rachel said: “There is a deadline for me to pay up and then if I don’t contacts from that old account will receive an image the blackmailer says will be created - a created image no doubt aimed at embarrassing me. I have nothing to hide and will obviously not be paying the blackmailer - I don’t even know how to use a bitcoin account.

“It is a very horrible thing to happen. I felt violated. Some people might panic and just pay.  I think this was just a phishing email, but, because it had my old password it could be convincing. I thought that if it were all true my bank account would have been emptied and I would have at least been emailed a webcam picture of me as further proof.”

Rachel reported the blackmail bid to the police and her own research led her to: https://haveibeenpwned.com which revealed her account details had been sold twice.

“I do change my password frequently, and in this case it was an old password which was being used. It does highlight the need for people to change their passwords,” said Rachel.

Helpful information to avoid online fraud can be found by calling 0300 123 2040.

Richard Steele, Boston Borough Council’s data protection officer, said: “This type of phishing email has been doing the rounds and people should never meet the blackmailer’s demands. They almost certainly will not be in possession of all they claim, even if they can demonstrate they have your password. It does make sense to change passwords, have different passwords for different accounts and make sure they are strong - a random mix of letters, numbers and punctuation is best.”

Your garden waste –
final collection dates

Final garden waste collections for 2018 will be:

Week commencing Monday, December 3 for those who have their brown bin emptied during their green bin collection week.

Week commencing Monday, December 10 for those who have their brown bin emptied during their blue bin collection week.

Your 2018/19 collections will resume week commencing Monday, February 25 until Sunday, March 31, 2019.

We are hoping to open the payment system for the 2019/20 service early in the New Year with collections starting week commencing Monday, April 1. Updates will be available on the council website, social media channels and local press - please keep an eye out for this.

Kirton Primary School
Achieves Centre of Excellence Status

Kirton Primary School is celebrating after achieving the status of ‘Centre of Excellence’ in financial education. This school has been awarded this national status as an acknowledgement that it has embraced financial education, embedding it within its centre and disseminating it in the local community. The award recognises that the school gives its pupils the knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to make informed and independent financial decisions.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- August 2018

Public Forum

The Kirton in Bloom prizes were awarded to the winners, runners up and highly commended front gardens for the most colourful and again for the best laid out. The winner of the Commercial frontage was announced and a Village Award was given to one resident who tends gardens she does not own nor can she see from her flat.

11 residents attended the meeting. (5 were residents who were prize receivers, the other 6 wished to hear/speak about the planning item B/18/0346.)

I resident wished to speak with regards to the planning item. He was informed by the Chairman that unless he had anything to add to what he had sent to the Borough then the members will have read it when they received their Agenda’s. He did not have anything to add. Cllrs Ransome, Brotherton, Austin and Brookes declared their interests at this point (as per information below in minute 140/18). 4 residents left.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman addressed the disquiet on the length of recent Parish Council meetings and informed members that meetings should ideally be no longer than 2 hours long.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllr C Rylott and J Edwards sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in item 11. Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.

Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is Vice Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. Cllr Ransome is also a member of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Cllr Brookes and Brotherton declared an interest in Planning as they are substitute members of the Borough Planning Committee and will take no part in discussions on planning. Cllr Austin declared an interest in Planning as she is a member of the Borough Planning Committee and will take not part in discussions on planning.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 16th August 2018, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

PC Thornton informed member that he was now fully in post as Beat Manager. He has 4 PCSOs and together they are responsible for a large area of the Borough. He informed members that although there have been a few Beat Managers in the last year, he fully intended to serve the remaining 13 years of his time in the Police at Kirton. The Kirton team have had some good results in the last few days. They intend to be proactive within the area.

PC Thornton left.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

No further comments made.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes informed members that the grit bins are in the process of being refilled and this should be completed by the end of the month. He informed members that a list of grit bins and their positions will be sent to the Clerks in the County. The responsibility of informed LCC that the bins need to be refilled is the Parish Council’s.

Cllr Foster asked why the grass verges were not being cut. Cllr Brookes assured Cllr Foster that the 2nd cut was underway. The reason many appear not to have been cut this year is because they had the 1st cut too early. It is thought that LCC may revert to 3 cuts again next year, although this is not finalised. Cllr Foster asked about the verge harvesting machine. Cllr Brookes informed Cllr Foster that the verge harvesting trial was halted for this year after the first cut due to problems with the Environment Agency, he was not sure of the exact reason. The second cut was now to be included in the normal verge cutting programme.

Cllr Austin reported that the roundabout signs were now in place. She was informed that the signs had again been hit. Highways are aware, but they may replace fewer signs.

Cllr Austin said that the flooding issues within the village are still ongoing. It is likely to be costly to get a main pipe replaced/re-laid and funding is still being investigated.

Cllr Ransome informed members she had been commented to by a resident from another village that she was pleased the pot holes on Station Road have finally been filled/fixed. Cllr Austin left.

Clerk to chase the new 30/40 mph signs from Community Speedwatch. Also, she is to chase up on the training regarding speed gun use.

Cllr Smith reported that finally the potholes on Sykemouth Drove have been filled. Cllr Ransome left.

Accounts for payment/Finance

The accounts for payment as per payment sheet dated September 2018/19 (6 of 12) were to be emailed to all.

New signatory forms were completed by members for the Parish Council’s bank account.

Signs ordered from Hutsons to replace damage ones in cemetery - Wait until produced

Potholes reported on A16 at the roundabout to LCC.

Potholes on Sykemouth Drove reported to LCC plus the trailer that will make it difficult/impossible to repair any potholes that is across the roadway. Police now been informed, they have the power to get it removed.

Boston Road reported to Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership – stating the 3 accidents in the last couple of months. Querying what could be done to make this small stretch safer – speed goes from 50mph on the road approaching Kirton from Wyberton down to 30mph – does the 30-mph zone need extending towards Wyberton?

LCC raised order to reduce speed from 60mph to 40mph along West End Road approaching this junction - Await response from LRSP

Quotations to be sought from local builders to upgrade the ramp at the rear of the Town Hall – one builder contacted. 2 more to get quotes from - Wait for 3 quotes

Tree limb to be removed from cemetery – not attached - Cut and removed

Overgrown hedge reported to LCC ref: outside 45 Lighton Avenue - Monitor

Deliver Chairman’s board to sign writer to get updated - Monitor

Overgrown bushes/hedges at A16/Station Road reported again to LCC.

Pothole at junction of A52/A1192 reported to LCC.

Fly tipping at the end of Marsh Road (at the Sea Wall) reported to BBC. 40+ black bin bags.

Been in touch with the roofer that redid the Town Hall roof. Informed him of the leaks, he will be touch to come and look.

Update: Roofer seen the problems and promised to rectify them within a week/10 days.

Still nothing heard from roofer. Written to him and informed him that if the remedial work is not completed properly by the end of September that he leaves no other option than for the work to be given to another roofer and he will be liable for the bill.

Information received from Events Management at the County Council – our barriers/cones/signs will be delivered soon for the Remembrance Parade road closures.

Weeds on Horseshoe Lane reported to LCC.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a) Boston Borough Council – following on from the Clerks post on the Council’s Facebook page asking for ideas regarding spending of the additional precept monies, the Borough has been in touch asking whether the rural isolation project could be considered.

b) Email received from resident asking for specific details regarding personal/business interests for all councillors – referred him to the Borough who hold a copy of all the forms.

Cllr Turner emphasised how important it was for all members to update their interest forms and copy to the Clerk whenever personal circumstances change.

c) Boston Borough Council – Gambling Act 2005 update. Information is available on the website.

Town Hall

There had been 2 meetings since the last Parish Council meeting. Cllr Sharp reported on the meeting he attended - Town Hall Committee updated regarding the ramp at the rear of the Town Hall (Upsall Room)

- They did not want a stage within the Town Hall but would definitely like to have French doors out onto the grass at the rear (although they are exploring funding for this).

- Busy calendar of events.

Cllr Brotherton reported on the meeting he had attended which did not add to the above.